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Marlaina Read

Hi - it’s march 2025 and I’m updating my website so ignore the stuff below.

You can get me at marlainaread @ gmail.com

Aenean Facili
Mauris Lan
Quisque Vita Est
Cras Temp
Euismod Faucibus
Quam Lora
Mauris Facili
Nam Facibu Est


My house was swept away by the sea (marrying the baltic sea)

Fabric, natural dyes, etching, performance.

My father was adopted. His birth mother, my birth grandmother, was born in Germany.
His birth father, my grandfather, is known only as the baltic man.

I am in Lithuania, living on the edge of the Baltic Sea. The uncertainty of lineage means I am at once home and not. For Christmas my sister and I got my father a DNA test, at his request. Soon we will know an idea of home.

The the bones of a house and a dance to an uncertain origin, on the dunes overlooking the Baltic Sea. Traditional dances of the baltic coastal country were characterised by restrained movements and percussion. The dance invokes a marriage of an uncertain past and future as the sea shrugs from the woman standing in front of her.

Work in progress, making the dress.