Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque condimentum eros sed vehicula rhoncus. Maecenas vel molestie est. Sed quis turpis sapien. Donec vel dignissim augue, vel maximus velit. Pellentesque eget pretium tellus, nec aliquet purus.

Marlaina Read

Hi - it’s march 2025 and I’m updating my website so ignore the stuff below.

You can get me at marlainaread @ gmail.com

Aenean Facili
Mauris Lan
Quisque Vita Est
Cras Temp
Euismod Faucibus
Quam Lora
Mauris Facili
Nam Facibu Est



Chromogenic prints.
Exhibited as part of Carriageworks photographer in residence program 2017.

Kelly McDonald Curator, Carriageworks. The photographic process is inherently about light, whether it be light shone onto film or on sensor, light is the starting point from which an image grows. In Marlaina Read’s photos she uses long exposures to fill the darker spaces with light, and expose the hidden corners of Carriageworks.

Carriageworks is a building that has changed form and use throughout its history. From railway workshop to disrepair, to animation studio to gallery to arts centre. The trace of these changes can be found throughout the building. Read’s focus on time and duration in these photographs draws on this history and suggests the passage of time, drawing the past into the present.

Download essay. View more images at Carriageworks.